Mysteries of the Celestial Library -- Where Stars and Planets Are the Pages, in the Book of the Universe - Poem Lyrics in English


Mysteries of the Celestial Library - Where Stars and Planets Are the Pages, in the Book of the Universe - Poem Lyrics in English

In the celestial library, where mysteries reside,

Stars and planets are the pages, the universe's guide.

A cosmic book unfolds in the boundless expanse,

In the celestial library, where knowledge does enhance.

The ink of nebulae, a celestial quill,

Writes tales of galaxies, each with its own thrill.

Constellations weave stories in the cosmic script,

In the celestial library, where the universe is equipped.

Planets dance, a celestial ballet,

In the cosmic library, where knowledge holds sway.

Each orbit a chapter, a celestial verse,

In the celestial library, where wonders immerse.

Comets streak across the cosmic tome,

In the celestial library, where mysteries roam.

The moon, a bookmark in the cosmic read,

In the book of the universe, where knowledge does lead.

Metaphors of meteors, similes of stars,

In the celestial library, where the cosmos mars.

A narrative written in the language of light,

In the celestial library, where mysteries alight.

So, gaze upon the pages of the cosmic book,

In the celestial library, where wonders brook.

Stars and planets, the chapters so diverse,

In the book of the universe, where mysteries converse.

In the celestial library, where cosmic wonders unfold,

Stars and planets are the pages, in the book of the universe told.

Mysteries written in the ink of nebulae's glow,

In the cosmic tome, where astral stories flow.

Oh, the celestial library, a vast expanse,

Where galaxies dance, and constellations enhance.

The pages of the universe turn in the cosmic breeze,

Revealing secrets written in celestial keys.

Beneath the canopy of the cosmic night,

The celestial library unfolds in the starlight.

Each twinkle, a word, each constellation a verse,

In the celestial tome, where mysteries immerse.

Mysteries of the Celestial Library - Where Stars and Planets Are the Pages, in the Book of the Universe - Poem Lyrics in English
Mysteries of the Celestial Library - Where Stars and Planets Are the Pages, in the Book of the Universe - Poem Lyrics in English

Through the corridors of space, where comets roam,

The celestial library beckons, a celestial home.

Stars and planets, the letters in the cosmic script,

In the book of the universe, where dreams are crypt.

In the quiet alcoves where meteors stream,

The celestial library whispers, in the cosmic dream.

Mysteries written in the stellar font's embrace,

In the celestial tome, where time and space interlace.

So let the celestial library be your guide,

In the cosmic narrative, where wonders abide.

In the tapestry of stars, where galaxies traverse,

Mysteries of the celestial library, where the universe converses.

In the cosmic expanse, a celestial library grand,

Mysteries unfold where stars and planets stand.

Pages of the universe, written in astral ink,

In the book of the cosmos, where mysteries link.

Oh, the celestial library, where galaxies sprawl,

Stars and planets, each a tale to enthrall.

In the cosmic script, a saga so vast,

In the library of the heavens, where wonders amass.

Through the nebulous clouds where galaxies waltz,

Mysteries of the celestial library, where cosmic exalts.

Stars as letters, planets as lines,

In the book of the universe, where the mystery aligns.

Beneath the celestial canopy where constellations gleam,

Mysteries of the celestial library, a cosmic dream.

Each star a word, each planet a verse,

In the cosmic sonnet, where the mysteries immerse.

In the quiet corridors where black holes spin,

Mysteries of the celestial library, where wonders begin.

Stars as pages, planets as lore,

In the cosmic anthology, where mysteries explore.

Oh, the celestial library, a boundless domain,

Where stars and planets etch the cosmic terrain.

In the book of the universe, where the cosmos scribes,

Mysteries unfold as the celestial library thrives.

Through the cosmic tapestry where galaxies twirl,

Mysteries of the celestial library unfurl.

Stars and planets, a celestial stage,

In the book of the universe, where mysteries engage.

In the vastness of space where silence prevails,

Mysteries of the celestial library leave cosmic trails.

Stars and planets, the celestial sage,

In the boundless book of the universe, where mysteries engage.

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