Whispers of the Ebon Rhapsody - When Shadows Dance to the Haunting Melody of the Night - Poem Lyrics in English


Whispers of the Ebon Rhapsody - When Shadows Dance to the Haunting Melody of the Night - Poem Lyrics in English

In the ebon rhapsody, where shadows entwine,

Whispers echo in the moonlit design.

A haunting melody in the still of the night,

As shadows dance in the dim moonlight.

Ebony hues paint the canvas of the dark,

In the rhapsody where shadows embark.

A symphony of whispers in the night's embrace,

As shadows waltz in the moonlit space.

The nightingale weaves a nocturnal tune,

In the ebon rhapsody, where shadows commune.

Their silent steps, a ballet in the gloom,

Dancing to the rhythm of the night's perfume.

Moonbeams caress the whispers so deep,

In the ebon rhapsody, where shadows creep.

A lyrical dance in the midnight's trance,

As shadows waltz, in a spectral dance.

A chiaroscuro of dreams and despair,

In the whispers of the ebon air.

Melancholy notes in the shadows' symphony,

In the ebon rhapsody, where night finds its key.

So, listen to the whispers, the night's sweet rhyme,

In the ebon rhapsody, where shadows chime.

A haunting melody, a nocturnal flight,

As shadows dance to the whispers of the night.

In the realm of shadows, where night's tale is spun,

Whispers of the ebon rhapsody, a nocturnal song begun.

When the moonlight weaves through the obsidian sky,

Shadows dance to a haunting melody, where echoes lie.

Whispers of the Ebon Rhapsody - When Shadows Dance to the Haunting Melody of the Night - Poem Lyrics in English
Whispers of the Ebon Rhapsody - When Shadows Dance to the Haunting Melody of the Night - Poem Lyrics in English

Oh, the ebon rhapsody, a symphony in the dark,

Where shadows waltz to the night's clandestine spark.

In the silent corridors where starlight refrains,

Whispers of the night weave cryptic refrains.

Beneath the velvet canopy where the cosmos weep,

The ebon rhapsody serenades, in the shadows' keep.

A melody of secrets, a dance of twilight,

In the tapestry of whispers, where mysteries ignite.

Through the veiled echoes of the midnight hour,

The ebon rhapsody unfolds, a spectral power.

Shadows pirouette to the moon's silver light,

In the silence of night, where dreams take flight.

In the quiet cadence where the nightbirds sing,

Whispers of the ebon rhapsody echo, taking wing.

A dance of shadows to the haunting tune,

In the nocturnal symphony, where shadows commune.

So let the ebon rhapsody be your guide,

In the shadowed verses where night and mystery coincide.

In the tapestry of whispers, where shadows alight,

A haunting melody, where the ebon rhapsody takes flight.

In the tapestry of night where darkness thrives,

Whispers of the ebon rhapsody as shadows derive.

When the moon's soft glow fades from sight,

Shadows dance to the haunting melody of the night.

Oh, whispers of the ebon rhapsody so grand,

In the nocturnal symphony, shadows hand in hand.

A haunting melody in the ebony expanse,

As the night unveils its shadowy dance.

Through the veiled hours where stars gleam,

Whispers of the ebon rhapsody, a spectral dream.

When the nocturne whispers, the shadows sway,

In the moonlit ballet, where night holds sway.

Beneath the celestial canvas where dreams take flight,

Whispers of the ebon rhapsody, a spectral light.

The night's melody, a haunting refrain,

As shadows waltz in the lunar domain.

In the quietude where the night descends,

Whispers of the ebon rhapsody, where darkness bends.

A dance of shadows in the moonlit ballet,

As the haunting melody steals the night away.

Oh, whispers of the ebon rhapsody so dark,

In the night's embrace, where shadows embark.

A nocturnal ballet, a spectral delight,

As shadows dance to the haunting night.

Through the echoes of time where the night is spun,

Whispers of the ebon rhapsody, where shadows run.

When the moonlight weaves its silvery light,

Shadows dance to the haunting melody of the night.

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