Symphony of the Autumn Rain - When Drops Fall in Melodic Harmony, in the Ballet of Falling Leaves - Poem Lyrics in English


Symphony of the Autumn Rain - When Drops Fall in Melodic Harmony, in the Ballet of Falling Leaves - Poem Lyrics in English

In the ballet of falling leaves, where autumn's reign,

A symphony of the autumn rain begins its refrain.

Drops descend in melodic harmony,

Nature's orchestra in the fall's jubilee.

Leaves pirouette in the rain's soft embrace,

A dance of rust and amber, a ballet of grace.

Raindrops, the notes in the autumn air,

Creating a symphony beyond compare.

Gentle percussion on the foliage floor,

In the symphony of the autumn rain's encore.

A serenade to the trees in hues so bright,

As rain and leaves perform in the fading light.

The rhythm of raindrops, a lullaby sweet,

In the ballet of falling leaves where seasons meet.

Each drop, a note in the symphony's song,

Nature's melody as the days grow long.

Misty veils of rain cloak the wooded scene,

In the autumn symphony, where colors convene.

A ballet of elements in nature's grand show,

As rain and leaves in harmony flow.

So, listen to the symphony, a nature's art,

When autumn rain and leaves impart.

A ballet of falling drops, a dance so divine,

In the symphony of the autumn rain's design.

In the symphony of autumn rain, a melody descends,

Drops fall in harmony, as nature transcends.

The ballet of falling leaves, a dance so divine,

Raindrops and leaves entwine, in a rhythmic design.

Symphony of the Autumn Rain - When Drops Fall in Melodic Harmony, in the Ballet of Falling Leaves - Poem Lyrics in English
Symphony of the Autumn Rain - When Drops Fall in Melodic Harmony, in the Ballet of Falling Leaves - Poem Lyrics in English

Oh, the symphony of autumn rain, a whispered song,

As droplets gently serenade, the earth's longing throng.

Each raindrop, a note, in the atmospheric ballet,

In the autumnal dance, where dreams portray.

Beneath the amber canopy, where leaves pirouette,

Raindrops join the waltz, a duet so sweet.

A symphony of nature, where the elements converse,

In the ballet of falling leaves, where seasons immerse.

Through the misty air and the cool embrace,

Autumn raindrops twirl, in a delicate grace.

Leaves descend like dancers, in the serenade,

A symphony of rain, in the autumnal arcade.

In the quiet corners where rustling leaves confide,

The symphony of autumn rain, a tranquil guide.

Melodies linger in the dampened air,

In the ballet of falling leaves, where memories declare.

So let the symphony of autumn rain unfold,

In the ballet of leaves, where stories are told.

In the tapestry of rain, where melodies remain,

The symphony of autumn, in the season's refrain.

In the autumn's embrace where colors wane,

Symphony of the autumn rain, a melodic refrain.

Drops fall in harmony, a rhythmic ballet,

In the dance of falling leaves, a serenade at play.

Oh, symphony of the autumn rain so sweet,

In the rustling leaves and the raindrops' beat.

Melodies that cascade in the amber glow,

In the ballet of falling leaves, where moments slow.

Through the branches bare where the zephyrs sigh,

Symphony of the autumn rain, a lullaby.

Drops that tap on the windowpane,

In the dance of falling leaves, a gentle rain.

Beneath the canopy where colors transform,

Symphony of the autumn rain, a weathered norm.

Leaves pirouette in the cool embrace,

In the ballet of falling leaves, where time does race.

In the quietude where the earth receives,

Symphony of the autumn rain among the eaves.

Drops that compose a soothing tune,

In the dance of falling leaves, beneath the harvest moon.

Through the misty veils where memories weave,

Symphony of the autumn rain, where dreams believe.

Drops that echo on the cobblestone,

In the ballet of falling leaves, where solitude is known.

Oh, symphony of the autumn rain, a timeless song,

In the falling leaves, where emotions throng.

Melodies that linger in the autumn air,

In the dance of falling leaves, beyond compare.

In the fading light where shadows play,

Symphony of the autumn rain, a dusk's ballet.

Drops that murmur on the woodland's floor,

In the ballet of falling leaves, a nature's encore.

Through the tapestry of time where seasons waltz,

Symphony of the autumn rain, a dance that exalts.

In the drops that fall in melodic grace,

In the ballet of falling leaves, where autumn finds its place.

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